Instructions To The AutHors
The following types of publications are acceptable: regular paper, review, brief communication and announcements for conferences and symposia. The language of the journal is English.
The manuscripts of the regular papers should not exceed 15 printed pages, including an abstract, tables, figures, illustrations, and references. The reviews should not exceed 30 pages, and the brief communications – 8 pages. The manuscripts must be submitted in pdf-format and in MS Word.doc-format, containing the text, without hyphenation.
Publication fee (from 01.08.2022):
If a submission is accepted for publication, author will be asked to pay the article publication fee to cover publication costs (it covers organizing a review process, English language correction, prepress, and publication on website). The fee is 20€ per page. If exceeding of the maximum allowed volume is unavoidable, the authors must be ready to pay a charge at 25€ per each additional page (after approval by the editor).
The papers must be formatted according to the following rules:
• Font – Times New Roman, Size 12.
• Page Setup – Top 2.5 cm, Bottom 2.5 cm, Left 2.5 cm, Right 2.5 cm.
• Paper Size – A4, Line spacing 1.5 lines, First line by 1 cm.
• Title – Centered, Bold, Size 14.
• Author(s) name(s) – full names, no abbreviations, centered, numbered in superscript after the names (in a case when the authors have different affiliations) and the corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk (*). ORCID code of all authors must be provided.
• Authors’ affiliations – address(es): department (faculty/sckool), institution, location (city), post code, country, e-mail – centered; presented on a separate row, with the respective numbers in superscript at the beginning; English letters only, size 11.
• Abstract – one paragraph up to 300 words, presenting the problem and/or the objectives, more important results and the main inference and contributions. Avoid citing references.
• Key words – up to 6 (except the words found in the title).
• Text – the traditional structure is recommended: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion (the last two could be merged), Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if applicable), Statement on Welfare of animals (if applicable) and References. These sub-titles must be in bold, left-lined, on separate rows. Prospective their subheadings are in bold and on a separate line.
Standard abbreviations must be used (e.g., i.e., et al., a.s.l., DNA, etc., and other). The non-specific abbreviation should be given in brackets after the first mentioning of the respective term. International System of Units (SI) should be used. It is recommended to use m·s-1 instead m/s. Standard binomial nomenclature should be used for the scientific names of the taxa. When a given nomen appear first in the text, the author's name should be given as well. The latin names below the family rank must be italicized.
• Tables – must be numbered in Arabic numerals according to their appearance in the text. They should have titles above, centered, bold, size 11. The table should be built without vertical and with minimum horizontal lines. The content must be centered, single line spacing, size 10. The abbreviations used in tables should be defined in a note below, size 11.
• Illustrations (graphs, photographs, drawings, maps etc.) must be numbered as figures in Arabic numerals according to their appearance in the text. They can be black and white or in color. The titles should be below, centered, bold, size 11. Photographs and drawings should be of high contrast and sharp. Suitable file types from statistical software are .esp ans .pdf.
Tables and figures should be referred to in the text. They should be submitted in separate original files, such as Excel, JPEG or TIFF format. The scanned images must be saved at minimum 300 dpi. The same data should not be duplicated in both tables and figures. The abbreviations in the tables and figures should be defined in the note below, size 11.
• Citing references – the references must be cited with the author’s names as follows: (Jonson 2010), (Jonson and Spiecker 2010), (Jonson et al. 2010). When the authors are more than two, then the name of the first author is written followed by 'et al.'. For example, 'The studies of Ivanov et al. (2005) showed that…', or 'This was confirmed by other authors (Ivanov et al. 2005, Jones et al. 2006)', or 'Our results corroborated these established by other authors (Dimitrov 2010, Popov et al. 2011, Spiecker et al. 2012)'. In such cases the sources are presented in the chronological order. Citing sources that have no author should be cited by first word of the title, ellipsis and year, or (if the institution is also unknown) as 'Anonymous' and year. For examples: (Alabama ... 2007) or (Anonymous 2011) (see the examples below).
• References – only the references cited in the text should be included here. They must be arranged in alphabetical order (Harvard system), without numbering, size 11. The references in other, less popular languages, must be translated into English. Sources by the same author(s) and in the same year should be listed as 2014a, 2014b, etc. DOI or URL of cited sourses should be provided if available. Examples of citation:
- Paper in a journal:
Tashev A., Tsavkov E. 2019. Medicinal plants of the Bulgarian dendroflora. Medical Aromatic Plants 2(1): 69–78. doi:10.38093/map.596123
- Paper in a conference proceedings, or chapter in a book:
Kowarik I.1995. Time lags in biological invasions with regard to the success and failure of alien species. In: Pysek P., Prach K., Rejmánek M., Wade M. (Eds). Plant invasions: general aspects and special problems. SPB Academic Publishing, Amsterdam: 15–38.
- PhD thesis:
Gray M. 2007. An investigation into the role of genetics in the tolerance of Texas live oaks to Ceratocystis fagacearum. PhD thesis. Texas A&M University. 149 p.
- Book:
Sokal R., Rohlf F. 1996. Biometry. Third edition, Freeman W.H. 880 p.
- References published in less popular languages:
Jansons Ā. 2008. Theoretical basis and perspectives of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Latvia. [Parastās priedes (Pinus sylvestris L.) selekcijas teorētiskie pamati un attīstības perspektīvas Latvijā]. PhD thesis. Jelgava, LLU. 110 p. (in Latvian).
- Sources without author:
Anonymous 2011. Collection of normative documents. Publishing house Colibri, Sofia. 301 p. (in Bulgarian).
Fédération Fribourgeoise des Sociétés de Pêche (FFSP) 2004. Etude de la Petite-Sarine, Rapport final. Projet partiel – No 00/24, Fribourg. 9 p.
- Sources from the Internet:
Alabama Invasive Plant Council 2007. List of Alabama's invasive plants by land-use and water-use sectors. Alabama Invasive Plant Council (Producer). (Accessed on 5 January 2022).
Other requirements:
• For considering the publication ethics, after registration of the manuscript corresponding author must sign, scan and send the following form: CONSENT TO PUBLISH, TRANSFER OF COPYRIGHT, AND PUBLICATION ETHICS
• Manuscripts will be reviewed by two independent reviewers. The opinion and the remarks of the reviewers will be provided to the author for correspondence.
• The final versions of the papers, in pdf-format and in MS Word.doc format should be sent to the Editorial office within a month after receiving the opinion and remarks of reviewers. For unacceptable comments authors should submit motives.
• After prepress, the final version in pdf and Word.doc format will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author for proof reading. Possible corrections should be marked in the Word.doc file. Corrected proofs should be returned by e-mail to the Editorial Office. Only typographical errors may be corrected.
• Standard licence to publish: Creative Commons Attribution licence: (CC BY) or Creative Cmmons Attribution Non-Commercial licence (SS BY-NC) – if your funding agency have this requirement for type of open access licencr to use.
• We use Strikeplagiarism software for plagiarism detection.
The submissions should be sent to:
Forestry Ideas
University of Forestry
10, Kliment Ohridski Blvd.
1797, Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: or
The fee should be paid after the authors receive confirmation that the article is accepted for publication. Fees are paid via bank transfer, using the following information:
University of Forestry – NIS, 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., Sofia 1797, BULGARIA
IBAN BG39BNBG96613100104501, BNB BANK – CU Sofia, BIC: BNBGBGSF
Аbout: Forestry Ideas
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