
Issues: 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-15 | 16-20 | 21-25 | 26-30 | 31-32
Downloads: 2747

Systematic Structure of the Honey Bearing Plantsof the Bulgarian Flora

Alexander Tashev, Evgenia Pancheva

University of Forestry - Sofia


The study presents characteristics of the honey plants in the Bulgarian vascular flora. A complete list of the honey plant species occurring naturally in Bulgaria was done based on a critical survey of literature sources. Total 564 species belonging to 232 genera and 75 families are classified into this group. The most represented families and genera are outlined. The species are subdivided into three groups - plants, which are used by bees only for collecting pollen, plants used by bees for collecting nectar, and plants used for both. The full systematic list of the honey plants in Bulgaria is presented here for a first time.

(Forestry Ideas, 2009, Vol. 15, No. 1) [Download]
Downloads: 2974

Plants of the Bulgarian Flora Protected by the Bern Convention

Alexander Tashev, Iliana Alexandrova

University of Forestry - Sofia


The Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (the Bern Convention) was adopted in Bern, Switzerland on 19.09.1979, and came into force in 1982. It was ratified on 25.11.1991 by the Bulgarian Parliament and published in State Gazette in 1995. The study presents for a first time characteristics of the systematic structure and ecological and biological characters of the plants of Bulgarian flora, included in Appendix I of the Convention, amended on 05.03.1998. It was found that total 51 species belonging to 47 genera and 30 families of Bulgarian flora are protected according to the Convention. The plants are classified according to biological types, life form and floristic elements (following B. Stefanoff and Walter). Also, information is presented on the distribution of these species in Bulgaria and the ecological groups they belong. The conservation importance of these species is analyzed in national and international context. Full systematic list of the species of Bulgarian flora, protected by Appendix I of the Bern convention is presented.

(Forestry Ideas, 2009, Vol. 15, No. 1) [Download]
Downloads: 1943

Plants of the Bulgarian flora, including in the Convention CITES

Alexander Tashev, Lilia Georgieva

University of Forestry - Sofia


The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was finally agreed in Washington DC, on 3 March 1973. It was ratified by the Parliament of Bulgaria in 1991 and published in 1992. The study presents characteristics of the systematic structure and ecological and biological characters of the plants of Bulgarian flora, included in Appendix II of the Convention. Total 7 species belonging to 29 genera and 4 families of Bulgarian flora are protected according to the Convention. The sub-species diversity includes 18 subspecies, 11 varieties and two forms. The plants are classified according to biological types, life form and floristic elements following Walter. Also, information is presented on the distribution of these species in Bulgaria and the ecological groups they belong. The conservation importance of these species is analyzed in national and international context. Full systematic list of the species of Bulgarian flora, protected by Appendix II of the CITES convention is presented.

(Forestry Ideas, 2009, Vol. 15, No. 1) [Download]
Downloads: 1330


Nora Lozanova

University of Forestry - Sofia


Many researchers consider the analysis of plant tissues to be used successfully for the definition of the deficiency of the elements of the plant and from there taking measures for the optimization of the growth environment in one or other direction.

A vessel vegetation experiment with three grass species and on three types of soil substrates has been carried put. The soil used in vertisols - 100 %, mixed with 25 % and 50 % building materials. The vessels are put in 80 % and 50 % irrigational regime. All varieties are in three repetitions. The water regime of the soil is estimated through absorbtion transformers. Four cross sections have been made.

The influence on the irrigational regime and the quantity of the added building materials on the contents and accumulation of basic nutrients in the leaves of Festuca rubra L., Festuca pseudovina Hack and Agrostis alba L. have been estimated.


(Forestry Ideas, 2009, Vol. 15, No. 1) [Download]
Downloads: 1507

New data of anamorphic fungi onarboreal species in Vrana park

Ekaterina Sameva, Ganka Bakalova, Tsvetanka Borisova

Institute of Botany - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


During a survey of the biodiversity of anamorphic fungi on arboreal species in one of the most beautiful parks in our country - Vrana park - in the period 2006-2007 are established 7 new species for Bulgaria: Ascochyta fraxinifolia Siemaszko, A. procencoi Melnik, Asteromella bacterioides (Vuill.) Moesz, A. quercifolii C. Massal., Fusicladium carpophilum (Thum.) Oudem., Microdiplodia tiliae Allesch. and Seimatosporium dacicum (Savul. & Hulea) B. Sutton. Twelve fungus/host combinations, new for the country, are also reported. The correct names of Phoma aliena (Fr.: Fr.) Aa & Boerema and Ph. macrostoma Mont. are given. Short descriptions and illustrations of the species new to Bulgaria are provided on the basis of the researched materials. The investigated specimens are deposited in the Mycological collection of the Institute of Botany (SOMF).

(Forestry Ideas, 2009, Vol. 15, No. 1) [Download]
Issues: 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-15 | 16-20 | 21-25 | 26-30 | 31-32